Friday, April 23, 2010

Quick Update

Alright, so I have four prints done and they look amazing! I finished them in four hours (only an hour per print...damn fast for me, even if I was using RC paper!) last Sunday, the 18th. Definitely four hours well spent.

Unfortunately, I probably won't get a chance to get any new pictures from the cruise night at K-Mart, since the weather is supposed to be pretty crappy this weekend. I do have another shot on Tuesday, since there's a cruise night at the Culver's off Lake. Anyway, I think I have enough shots already developed to finish the project now, I just would like a bit more coverage in case something doesn't work.

My plan this weekend is to get into the darkroom to print as much as possible. There's some other stuff I need to get taken care of, but I should have plenty of time to get in and knock out some more prints.

Tally so far:
2 prints of the '57 Chevy I saw in Monte Vista
2 prints of the early '60s Chevy I saw in a neighborhood near UCCS

Due up:
The Chevy sedan delivery
The late '40s Ford
The '58 Chevy
The GTO (possibly)

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Alright, I've started printing. It's going slow since I'm using fiber-based paper, but they're turning out nice (even though I didn't used the correct contrast filters tonight). So far I only have two done, I still need to get the edgers to give the prints that old photo look. If I can get my hands on a typewriter, I'll put a date on the bottom edge as well, to add to the vintage feel.

One thing that's starting to bug me is that on two of the photos I printed today, I have a band about in the middle of the print that's noticeably lighter than the rest. I talked to my dad, and he thinks that it may be one of a couple of things: there could be a scratch on the lens, or it could be that the enlarger itself is a little dirty. When I go back to the darkroom tomorrow, I'm going to try to use a different lens kit. If that doesn't fix it, I'll try a different enlarger. Hopefully that takes care of it, otherwise I won't be happy with my project.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

K-Mart Cruise "Night"

The cruise night was a big success!

I almost didn't end up going, too! My buddy called me up and said that it was dead and that it probably wasn't worth going. But I decided to drive by just to check out what was there and that turned out to be a very good decision.

Before I went over there, I turned the wrong way from Nevada to get gas for my car and I ended up in a neighborhood with three classics that I noticed. I only got to take pictures of one, but it was a pretty nice car (I'm not an expert in classic cars at all, but it looked like maybe a '56 or '57 Chevy). I also got a chance to snap some 35mm shots of this car (the only one, so far). They show some of the intricate detail work; I really hope they turn out! (50 ISO film, shutter speed = 1/125, aperture = f 2.8)

Then at the cruise night itself, I got pictures of a late '50s model Chevy sedan that had the similar back-end of a delivery. It was pretty sweet. I shot a '56 cherry red was that thing pretty! There was also a muscle car there that I got a few photos of (I probably won't use them in the final "cut," I mainly want stock classics), and last, I got some shots of a Chevy (didn't get the year of it, but it was very nice).

So that means I have three rolls of 120 down, four to go. Still working on my first roll of 35 out of three.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cruise Night

Alright, so I've heard from two classic car nuts now that there's a cruise night in the parking lot of the K-Mart at Nevada and Fillmore on Saturdays. As long as the weather is good on Saturday night, I plan on going down there to meet some people and get some pictures taken. Hopefully everything works out, I'd really like to start developing my film and getting some prints done here soon.

In other news, my brother gave me a few guys' numbers who own classic cars. They're both OK with letting me take photos. The first guy has a '70s Mustang and a few other cars, the second has a WWII-era general's Jeep. Well, I guess I'll start praying to the weather-gods for some warmth and sun this weekend!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

'57 Chevy

I have my first five photos! Finally!

Like I said last week, I went to Durango to visit my girlfriend at school. No luck there in trying to find anyone willing to let me take pictures of their cars (they have a car club there with some really nice looking '20s up to '70s cars and trucks), but I wasn't there long enough to contact anyone. Anyway, on my way home yesterday, trying to beat the big storm that dumped tons of wet snow across Colorado, I saw a '57 Chevy sitting on the side of the road next to a bank. I was contemplating stopping to snap a few photos for about a block (the speed limit is only 25 through Del Norte, Colo. so it was a long block). Once I got a block-and-a-half away, I finally pulled off, got out my Holga loaded with the Adox film and hoofed it back to the Chevy.

It was in okay condition, the back end was pretty worse for wear, but other than that, a very nice subject. I'm not sure if the photos will turn out very good, since it was overcast and 50 ISO film is so slow it requires a lot of sunlight to get a good exposure. But, if I expose the rest of the roll under the same conditions, I could develop it as though it was 100 ISO...things to think about.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Leaving Here Today

I'm packing a bag to head down to Durango to see my girlfriend. I'm bringing along my cameras to hopefully get a few classic cars on the way. I know I've seen some on the way down (on properties off US 160), it's just a matter of taking a shot now to get the ball rolling.

In other news, my brother has the numbers of some classic car owners that he's going to call for me so that they can get in contact with me directly about taking photos of their cars. I wanted to have shot some of them already, but the weather hasn't exactly been cooperative the last couple of weeks. Well, it seems like spring should be here soon, so I should be able to start for sure and get some good shots!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Film Has Arrived

Ten brand new rolls of film got delivered just a few hours ago via FedEx! I got seven rolls of 120mm film for the Holga and three rolls of 35mm. I'm planning on running at least one roll of the 35 through my Holga. The look is really interesting, but I'll only do it for a roll or two because I feel like it may take away from the look I'm trying to achieve.

The Holga shoots in a square format, as opposed to 35mm, which is a rectangular format. So, if you put a roll of 35 into your Holga (after some surgery), the photos you take will end up not only on the center part of the film (where your exposure ends up normally), but also around the sprocket holes at the top and bottom of the stip of film. If you want to set up your Holga to shoot 35mm, it's a very simple process and is easy to find on how-to sites.

Well, now that I have the film, all I need to do is wait for warmer weather so the guys can take their cars out of their garages. Hopefully that'll be in just a couple of weeks!

Monday, March 8, 2010


I ordered the film on Thursday and it should be arriving tomorrow (Tuesday the 9th)! I'm really excited to start working with it, I'm really hoping it gives me the look I'm looking for.

For anyone interested, this is the website for the film:

I also got a few rolls of 35mm to run through my Canon AT-1:

Luckily, I'm not planning on doing anything with the 35mm prints, so it's no big deal that they're made by a different company. I was really bummed when I saw that the Adox 35mm ISO 50 was out of stock, but apparently this Efke stuff has the same emulsion, so it should have the same look (in theory).

In the car department, my brother has a few connections through O'Reilly Auto Parts. I don't recall all of the vehicles he's told me about, but I know he's found a pair of 1970 Mustang MK Is, a '60s Mustang Shelby, some '30s roadsters, and maybe one or two others. Also, a buddy of mine from work knows a guy who has some nice '30s or '40s coupes. So, I should have plenty of vehicles to photograph, but I'll of course be happier with more subjects.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Starting Out

Well, I've never hopped onto the blogging bandwagon, so this is my first attempt. I guess I'll start with a little background on the project that I'm doing.

The basic idea is to take photos of classic cars with a toy camera; for those who don't know, a toy camera is any camera that is cheaply made, usually completely out of plastic (including the lens). The overall look is going to be vintage, from the cars I'll take photos of, to the film (I found film that is made using the same emulsion of chemicals that they used back in the '50s and '60s). A few weeks ago, my parents showed me some pictures from when they were young; the way that they cut the prints back then is very interesting. To add to the vintage look, I'm even going to dip the prints into coffee to yellow the paper. The final product should be really cool!

If anyone ends up reading this and you know people who have classic cars and wouldn't mind someone shooting a few pictures, just let me know. Every little bit helps!