Saturday, April 10, 2010


Alright, I've started printing. It's going slow since I'm using fiber-based paper, but they're turning out nice (even though I didn't used the correct contrast filters tonight). So far I only have two done, I still need to get the edgers to give the prints that old photo look. If I can get my hands on a typewriter, I'll put a date on the bottom edge as well, to add to the vintage feel.

One thing that's starting to bug me is that on two of the photos I printed today, I have a band about in the middle of the print that's noticeably lighter than the rest. I talked to my dad, and he thinks that it may be one of a couple of things: there could be a scratch on the lens, or it could be that the enlarger itself is a little dirty. When I go back to the darkroom tomorrow, I'm going to try to use a different lens kit. If that doesn't fix it, I'll try a different enlarger. Hopefully that takes care of it, otherwise I won't be happy with my project.

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