Friday, February 5, 2010

Starting Out

Well, I've never hopped onto the blogging bandwagon, so this is my first attempt. I guess I'll start with a little background on the project that I'm doing.

The basic idea is to take photos of classic cars with a toy camera; for those who don't know, a toy camera is any camera that is cheaply made, usually completely out of plastic (including the lens). The overall look is going to be vintage, from the cars I'll take photos of, to the film (I found film that is made using the same emulsion of chemicals that they used back in the '50s and '60s). A few weeks ago, my parents showed me some pictures from when they were young; the way that they cut the prints back then is very interesting. To add to the vintage look, I'm even going to dip the prints into coffee to yellow the paper. The final product should be really cool!

If anyone ends up reading this and you know people who have classic cars and wouldn't mind someone shooting a few pictures, just let me know. Every little bit helps!