Friday, April 23, 2010

Quick Update

Alright, so I have four prints done and they look amazing! I finished them in four hours (only an hour per print...damn fast for me, even if I was using RC paper!) last Sunday, the 18th. Definitely four hours well spent.

Unfortunately, I probably won't get a chance to get any new pictures from the cruise night at K-Mart, since the weather is supposed to be pretty crappy this weekend. I do have another shot on Tuesday, since there's a cruise night at the Culver's off Lake. Anyway, I think I have enough shots already developed to finish the project now, I just would like a bit more coverage in case something doesn't work.

My plan this weekend is to get into the darkroom to print as much as possible. There's some other stuff I need to get taken care of, but I should have plenty of time to get in and knock out some more prints.

Tally so far:
2 prints of the '57 Chevy I saw in Monte Vista
2 prints of the early '60s Chevy I saw in a neighborhood near UCCS

Due up:
The Chevy sedan delivery
The late '40s Ford
The '58 Chevy
The GTO (possibly)

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Alright, I've started printing. It's going slow since I'm using fiber-based paper, but they're turning out nice (even though I didn't used the correct contrast filters tonight). So far I only have two done, I still need to get the edgers to give the prints that old photo look. If I can get my hands on a typewriter, I'll put a date on the bottom edge as well, to add to the vintage feel.

One thing that's starting to bug me is that on two of the photos I printed today, I have a band about in the middle of the print that's noticeably lighter than the rest. I talked to my dad, and he thinks that it may be one of a couple of things: there could be a scratch on the lens, or it could be that the enlarger itself is a little dirty. When I go back to the darkroom tomorrow, I'm going to try to use a different lens kit. If that doesn't fix it, I'll try a different enlarger. Hopefully that takes care of it, otherwise I won't be happy with my project.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

K-Mart Cruise "Night"

The cruise night was a big success!

I almost didn't end up going, too! My buddy called me up and said that it was dead and that it probably wasn't worth going. But I decided to drive by just to check out what was there and that turned out to be a very good decision.

Before I went over there, I turned the wrong way from Nevada to get gas for my car and I ended up in a neighborhood with three classics that I noticed. I only got to take pictures of one, but it was a pretty nice car (I'm not an expert in classic cars at all, but it looked like maybe a '56 or '57 Chevy). I also got a chance to snap some 35mm shots of this car (the only one, so far). They show some of the intricate detail work; I really hope they turn out! (50 ISO film, shutter speed = 1/125, aperture = f 2.8)

Then at the cruise night itself, I got pictures of a late '50s model Chevy sedan that had the similar back-end of a delivery. It was pretty sweet. I shot a '56 cherry red was that thing pretty! There was also a muscle car there that I got a few photos of (I probably won't use them in the final "cut," I mainly want stock classics), and last, I got some shots of a Chevy (didn't get the year of it, but it was very nice).

So that means I have three rolls of 120 down, four to go. Still working on my first roll of 35 out of three.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cruise Night

Alright, so I've heard from two classic car nuts now that there's a cruise night in the parking lot of the K-Mart at Nevada and Fillmore on Saturdays. As long as the weather is good on Saturday night, I plan on going down there to meet some people and get some pictures taken. Hopefully everything works out, I'd really like to start developing my film and getting some prints done here soon.

In other news, my brother gave me a few guys' numbers who own classic cars. They're both OK with letting me take photos. The first guy has a '70s Mustang and a few other cars, the second has a WWII-era general's Jeep. Well, I guess I'll start praying to the weather-gods for some warmth and sun this weekend!